Encore Career:
Creating Your Second Act with Purpose and Passion

Encore Career: Creating Your Second Act with Purpose and Passion is for the fifty plus person wanting to create a pre or post retirement career that ignites your passion.  Hence, the goal is to create a career opportunity to share the skills and gifts you have developed during  your working years for the benefit of the community in which you live!

  • Defining what an Encore Career is , as well as its importance to individuals, communities and the economy.
  • Recognize the signs that you are ready to pursue an encore career.
  • Identify your skills qualities and gifts that can successfully translate to your new career.
  • Define the “Essential Five Factors” of a creating a successful Encore Career.
  • Learn how to effectively network your way to an Encore Career.
  • Gain knowledge about the top employment sectors ready for Encore Career success.
  • Begin Developing your own “Encore Career” plan.

Click here to learn about our other online retirement course Creating Your Retirement

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