Course Description
The reality of getting up each morning and not going to work is both a joy and a concern for many people considering retirement. In this short course we will discuss self-identity in retirement, retirement transition readiness, as well as what you will do in retirement once you transition from your pre-retirement career. You will leave with an informed personal action plan that will get you started on your retirement lifestyle journey.
Course Details
By completion of the course, successful students will be able to:
- Broaden your appreciation of your pre-retirement selfidentity
- Define roadblocks and key determinants necessary for redefining your self identity
- Identify steps required to transition from defining yourself by “what you do” to “who you are”
- Define the personal values, interests, activities and relationships that are important in your life during pre-retirement
- Revisit and re-evaluate your interests
- Define activities and relationships that will act as the cornerstones of a retirement lifestyle
- Prepare a personal action plan that will help you live the retirement lifestyle that you want
For further information about how to register connect to the University of Calgary Continuing Education Department