Self-Identity in Retirement: What will you do when you retire?

Join us March 28th our Self-Identity in Retirement Seminar

Course Description The reality of getting up each morning and not going to work is both a joy and a concern for many people considering retirement. In this short course we will discuss self-identity in retirement, retirement transition readiness, as well as what you will do in retirement once you transition from your pre-retirement career. You will leave with an informed personal action plan that will get you started on your retirement lifestyle journey. Course Details By completion of the course, successful students will be able to: Broaden your appreciation of your pre-retirement selfidentityDefine roadblocks and key determinants necessary for…

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Stay Socially Connected in Retirement

Stay Socially Connected in Retirement
Making friends once we leave the workforce presents a cruel irony for most of us looking to stay socially connected in retirement because we now have the time to live life without the encumbrances of a work schedule and finally do the things that have been collecting dust on our rainy day lists, but we may not have the people around us that we want to have around us as we start checking off activities from our bucket lists because people may be still working.

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Happy New Year !!!

Wishing everyone a Very Happy New Year and much success in 2020! “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined” Henry David Thoreau

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Returning to Work: Doesn’t Need to Be Difficult!

Returning to Work: Doesn’t Need to Be Difficult!       Returning to work doesn’t need to be difficult. Many people are returning to work after extended periods of absence from the workforce due to employment termination, being laid-off or due to a voluntary decision to raise a family, return to school, travel or to take sometime to reset before they move forward in their careers.  To that end, we will look at some of the challenges you may experience as you make the decision to move forward and on the flip side what can be done while away from…

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Professional Roles and Ethics for Career Practitioners Course

Career counselling and coaching

Professional Roles and Ethics for Career Practitioners Dates: February 12 – March 12, 2019 Course Description: The primary focus of this course is to broaden the awareness of the types and functions of career services being offered by Settlement Agencies, as well as the roles, knowledge, skills, and competencies of Career Practitioners working in the settlement sector.  

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Professional Roles and Ethics for Settlement Practitioners Course

Professional Roles and Ethics for Settlement Practitioners Dates: March 19- April 16, 2019 Course Description: The primary focus of this course is to broaden the understanding of the functions of Service Provider Organizations (SPOs) and the relationship between functions of SPOs and the functions of general community service providers. Also, the participants will explore the roles and responsibilities of settlement practitioners and examine guiding ethical principles for Settlement Practitioner practice and consider their applicability to settlement work.

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Encore Careers and Retirement: The Perfect Match!

Encore Careers and Retirement, retirement transition ,Calgary , Creating your Retirement, retirement transition, retirement coaching, retirement workshops, retirement seminars, retirement transition courses

Encore Careers and Retirement: The Perfect Match! Encore Careers and Retirement are an interesting combination of terms because many of us don’t really think much about what work provides us until we find ourselves no longer working. This is certainly true for both individuals experiencing job loss through being laid off or after being terminated from their work and for individuals stepping into the next stage of the lives when they are retiring. Most people benefit from work in different ways such status, socialization, sense of purpose and meaning, time management and of course how could we forget to make…

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The Perfect Resume: 3 Simple Steps!

The Perfect Resume: 3 Simple Steps   Does the perfect resume exist or can it be created? The answer to these two questions can come about by asking a few more clarifying questions. Questions like of have you yourself created a resume sent it off online or the old-fashioned way via snail mail and received a response from the company hiring requesting that you come in the interview. Well if your answer is yes then you have already answered the first of the original questions. You see, the purpose of the resume is not to get you the job but…

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Career Vitality & Retirement Options Coaching in Calgary

Career Vitality Services provides retirement coaching and workshops for individuals and organizations looking for support with their non financial retirement planning. All of our retirement coaches are certified through the Retirement Options Program and are certified to use both the Retirement Success Profile and Life Options Profile. Please see the following article recently in the Wall Street Journal regarding the Retirement Options programs we presently offer at Career Vitality Services Inc. Retirement Options Interviewed on the Value of Retirement Coaching for Wall Street Journal Article Chapel Hill, NC (PRWEB)September 10, 2014 Retirement Options, the leading global provider of retirement coach…

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Taking Stock: Part 3- Interests

Choosing a Career That Interests Me! The question I often get from people is how I can find a career that is somehow related to an activity that I enjoy participating in or something that I am interested in pursuing. My answer to this question is always the same in that finding a “best fit” between your interests and what you do as a career always starts with the answer to one question; what is it about these activities that make you interested? This task sounds pretty simple right!?  After all, who knows us better than we know ourselves? In…

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