“The Puzzle Looks Very Different”

Course Description The reality of getting up each morning and not going to work is both a joy and a concern for many people considering retirement. In this short course we will discuss self-identity in retirement, retirement transition readiness, as well as what you will do in retirement once you transition from your pre-retirement career. You will leave with an informed personal action plan that will get you started on your retirement lifestyle journey. Course Details By completion of the course, successful students will be able to: Broaden your appreciation of your pre-retirement selfidentityDefine roadblocks and key determinants necessary for…
Professional Roles and Ethics for Career Practitioners Dates: February 12 – March 12, 2019 Course Description: The primary focus of this course is to broaden the awareness of the types and functions of career services being offered by Settlement Agencies, as well as the roles, knowledge, skills, and competencies of Career Practitioners working in the settlement sector.
Professional Roles and Ethics for Settlement Practitioners Dates: March 19- April 16, 2019 Course Description: The primary focus of this course is to broaden the understanding of the functions of Service Provider Organizations (SPOs) and the relationship between functions of SPOs and the functions of general community service providers. Also, the participants will explore the roles and responsibilities of settlement practitioners and examine guiding ethical principles for Settlement Practitioner practice and consider their applicability to settlement work.
Encore Careers and Retirement: The Perfect Match! Encore Careers and Retirement are an interesting combination of terms because many of us don’t really think much about what work provides us until we find ourselves no longer working. This is certainly true for both individuals experiencing job loss through being laid off or after being terminated from their work and for individuals stepping into the next stage of the lives when they are retiring. Most people benefit from work in different ways such status, socialization, sense of purpose and meaning, time management and of course how could we forget to make…
The New Retirement Posted Wednesday, March 20, 2013 09:27 AM by Janice – 0 Comment(s) Brian Lambier, Career Vitality Services Popular presenter Brian Lambier will be at the Crowfoot Library on Wednesday, March 27 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. talking about new and traditional models of retirement. In his retirement transition workshops, Brian has found people’s concerns tend to fall under the following common themes: How do I move from deriving a great deal of my personal identity from “what I do” to “who I am?” I want to continue to work after I retire from my present job. What work…
The “New Retirement” Career Vitality Services Inc. in partnership with Calgary Public Library is offering a free presentation entitled the “New Retirement” on Wednesday March 27th, 2013, 6:30-8:30 p.m.at the Crowfoot Branch(Googlle Map) of the Calgary Public Library. The two -hour presentation will focus on an overview of the traditional and new models of retirement, as well as a presentation of 15 factors in the key life arenas of self, family/relationships, work/career, leisure, health/wellness, spirituality/personal development and finance that will help attendees better understand the steps they need to take to plan and live a …
Are You Ready for Retirement? Career Vitality Services is offering the “Preparing for Your Retirement” one- day workshop in Calgary on August 25th to help you define and achieve what you want out of retirement. Retirement Transition or any type of transition for that matter is a time of self-reflection and honesty about what is important to us as individuals. Our traditional work day uses up one-third of our day that is if we are working the traditional 8 hour work day, add an additional 6-8 hours of your day for sleep…
Planning For Your Retirement? August 25 ,2012 (Registration Deadline: August 22,2012 ) Are you ready for your retirement? Career Vitality Services is offering a informative and fun one- day workshop in Calgary. Retirement Transition or any type of transition for that matter is a time of self-reflection and honesty about what is important to us as individuals. Our traditional work day uses up one-third of our day that is if we are working the traditional 8…